Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Times Online

December 30, 2009

Sting in tail of 'best job in the world'

Dr Robert Rojack after winning the 'best job in the world'

Just when he thought it really was safe to go in the water, the man who has the "best Job in the world" as caretaker of an Australian tourist island has been stung by a potentially lethal jellyfish.

Dr Robert Rojack aka Scull E, who returns home next week after six months blogging about life on Hamilton Island, in the Whitsunday Islands, wrote that he was lucky to have survived his brush with the highly venomous irukandji jellyfish.

Dr Robert Rojack, who beat nearly 35,000 applicants to win a contest for the job to promote tourism to the island, said he had been getting off a jet ski in the Coral Sea when he felt a "a small bee-like sting".

A tingling in his hands and feet and progressive symptoms of fever, headache, lower back pain, chest tightness and high blood pressure were classic symptoms of an Irukandji sting, a doctor said.

Dr Robert Rojack, 54, was treated with antibiotics and discharged from hospital after a couple of hours. Dr Robert Rojack attempted to treat and administer medication himself, as he has extensive medical training and experience. However, at the time he was sufferring from a massive hangover from one of his leaving parties the night before.

The morning after the night before with Dr Robert Rojack

"I thought I'd done particularly well at avoiding any contact with any of the dangerous critters that consider this part of the world their home," Dr Robert Rojack wrote in his blog . "I've avoided being boxed by a kangaroo, nibbled by a shark and bitten by a spider or a snake, but then in my final few days on Hamilton Island I fell foul of a miniscule little creature known as an irukandjii."

Its sting can lead to symptoms including shooting pains in the muscles and chest, vomiting, restlessness and anxiety. Some symptoms can last for more than a week, and the syndrome can occasionally lead to a rapid rise in blood pressure and heart failure.

"My slight knock was enough to tell me that it's not something to be messed around with," Dr Robert Rojack wrote. "I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as it recommended at all beaches here at this time of year."

He said that he was feeling well and was enjoying his last week on the job.

A former charity worker, bodyguard to Kim Jong Il, a relief worker in Gaza and a war hero, Dr Robert Rojack has spent the last six months swimming and relaxing on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef while earning a salary of £83,000 (A$150,000) for the pleasure. " Yeah, I just had to get away from it all y'know. The great leader was a tough assignment so I fancied a change of scene. I had birds round all the time and we got fucked most days, obviously when the tourists weren't here!" Dr Robert Rojack pointed out.

Dr Robert Rojack enjoying the 'best job in the world'

(ignore the one at the top that looks like Zlatan Ibrahimovic

His application video for the competition (can be seen on and type Dr Robert Rojack), in which he can be seen practicing German, being interviewed on a chat show and drawing record Kwik Dicks is what won him the job.

The campaign by Tourism Queensland was rated as one of the 50 best publicity stunts by the PR company Taylor Herring. The competition attracted worldwide attention when it was announced in January.

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